Back-End Programming Languages: Which Should You Learn First?

Back-End Programming Languages: Which Should You Learn First?

Here we will discuss almost everything related to the backend and backend languages. It is used by over 97% of websites, and it is also the language of choice for many popular frameworks, such as Node.js and Express.js. When you choose a programming language, it will determine the framework you need to learn.

programming language of choice for backend development

On top of these features, since PHP is so easy to learn, businesses will have an easier time finding and hiring quality web development candidates that have some degree of PHP experience. Object-Oriented Programming — Go supports object-oriented programming where you can design your code in a structured form using classes and inheritance. You can create classes and objects for implementing the application program. It reduces the code by reusability & also creates a better understanding of the code. Although Solidity looks very easy for learners but according to experts, it is challenging for new learners.

How Much Do Backend Developers Make?

BaaS platforms deliver ready-to-use and scalable hosting, out-of-the-box building blocks to speed up backend development, and SDKs to facilitate server-side and client-side integration. JavaScript hosting is generally easier to achieve using a managed backend platform. Ultimately, the best language supports your project specs, timeline, cost spread, and in-house skills. A fit-for-purpose language ties into your project’s demands and delivers closures on time and within budget. If you are struggling to pick the right language, contact the experts in ISHIR; we’ll guide you and help arrange the best developers for your unique needs.

programming language of choice for backend development

However, as more and more big companies switch their infrastructure over to Go, like Uber in 2016, I expect we’ll see more newbies bypassing JavaScript altogether and picking up Go first instead. If you’re looking to get rich quick or take shortcuts, please stay away. We are all about building solid
foundations that lead to successful careers. Indeed, this guide shares the top options, but it depends on your project’s requirements when it comes to the most suitable language.


Backend programming languages are one of the key components of mobile app development. It is important to choose the right backend programming language because it can help your app to be high-performing and scalable. The backend programming language is the code that runs on the server. It provides a way to interact with a database and retrieve information from it, as well as store new data in it. This is what makes backend programming languages so valuable to developers. Ruby is a general-purpose programming language used for scripting, DevOps, static site generation, and web development.

According to the survey report, SQL is used by 49.43% of developers and has been commonly used by companies to create a powerful backend. This being the case, there’s talk about Python’s usage and popularity among programming communities. According to a Statista survey, JavaScript came in at 2nd for most desired technology, as well. Although PHP could be the best backend language, some of its key features make it vulnerable. The most common operation scenario for a PHP website is the LAMP stack. It means that a website runs on an Apache HTTP web server deployed on a Linux system and the database is managed by MySQL.

Ruby & Ruby on Rails

SQL is used to access and manage data in relational databases, which structure data by storing it in tables, simplifying access to related data points. Relational database management systems generally use SQL, including Oracle Database, MySQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. Ruby on Rails, for instance, is an influential server-side framework that many companies, including Hulu and Shopify, have used to develop web applications.

As a beginner, being proficient in backend dev sets you up for success right out of the gate. If you’re a programmer or developer, you’re probably already aware that learning never ends. Even if you’re a Perl pro, it’s good to know what the most up-and-coming languages are so you can be prepared to take on additional responsibilities at work or pivot your career if need be. Fortunately, it is also an open-source programming language that owns cross-platform features.

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The popularity of web development is increasing daily with the increasing demand for amazing-performing websites for business needs. Additionally, start off by learning only one coding language, as trying to learn more than one at once can be overwhelming. Programming languages like Python, Ruby, PHP, and JavaScript are good for starting out.

  • Front-end development can indeed be beautiful, user-friendly, and more, but good looks will only get you so far – you need those visuals to work correctly.
  • For this reason, Java is a great tool for CPU-overloading tasks, such as transcoding a video, compressing files, financial modeling, etc.
  • Relational database management systems such as Microsoft Access, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Ingres, and Sybase use SQL.
  • They are all relatively easy to learn and have a large and active community of developers.
  • Public encryption keys are used for authentication to make it safer for data-sensitive applications.
  • Java is simple to learn for anyone with a background in object-oriented programming.

The backend programming features help connect the server, which handles communication between clients and distributes data and information, to devices that can access the internet. These are the few most common features of Golang that make it popular among developers and enable you to develop a strong app backend. Read more to know the top software development trends in 2023 that you can develop using Ruby for backend development. Golang is a young and ambitious open-source programming language delivered by Google. The design of Golang was initiated in 2007 while the first stable version was released in 2011. Since the very beginning, the language has kept the developer’s attention as a promising project.

Along with back-end development, Python’s capacity for data analytics and machine learning means it’s a great choice if you’re considering a career in data science. This is great if you’re considering a career as a Full-Stack Developer. The back end of a website consists of web servers, applications, and databases.

Some of the programming languages ​​used to communicate with the server are Java, PHP, C #, Ruby, Python, Javascript (Node JS), Kotlin. Another advantage worth mentioning is that with Node.js, both the frontend and backend of the application speak the same programming language. Projects using this solution can be handled by full-stack teams that rarely, if ever, face the challenge of translating how specific features or parts of code work in a different language.