Xamarin: How to add a MVVM pattern to an app Tutorial Packt Hub

Xamarin: How to add a MVVM pattern to an app Tutorial Packt Hub

In this tutorial, we will explain how you can use Xamarin to deliver native iOS, Android, and Windows Apps. The attributes on the components, which customize the appearance such as text color and font size, have also been removed. The first step of introducing MVVM into an app is to set up the structure by adding folders that will represent the core tenants of the pattern, such as Models, ViewModels, and Views. Traditionally, the Models and ViewModels live in a core library (usually, a portable class library or .NET standard library), whereas the Views live in a platform-specific library. Thanks to the power of the Xamarin.Forms toolkit and its abstraction of platform-specific UI APIs, the Views in a Xamarin.Forms app can also live in the core library. If you ever have written any native Android code in Kotlin or Java, this project will look very familiar.

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Leave Place solution and project in the same directory unchecked. Where the two types of project differ is in the UI and how it is created. Either option still compiles down into the native components, but how you write it is different. There is even day 1 support so, as a new OS release or feature comes out, Xamarin will have a release available to support it.

That is a huge advantage over other HTML-based mobile technologies as they often require time for someone to develop the component that compiles to the native equivalent. If you would like to see a full integration of Twilio APIs in a .NET Core application then checkout this free 5-part video series. It’s separate from this blog post tutorial but will give you a full run down of many APIs at once. All the programs in this tutorial have been developed using Visual C#.

Understanding the new solution

In our previous tutorial, we created a basic travel app using Xamarin.Forms. In this post, we will look at adding theModel-View-View-Model pattern to our travel app. The MVVM elements are offered with the Xamarin.Forms toolkit and we can expand on them to truly take advantage of the power of the pattern. As we dig into MVVM, we will apply what we have learned to the TripLog app that we started building in our previous tutorial. With the Xamarin Native approach, each platform’s UI is written separately.

Mobile Xamarin app tutorial

However, Xamarin.Forms also supports using CSS to style your app. The UWP Project will also look as expected from native development, this post will only https://wizardsdev.com/ focus on Android and iOS. These steps assume you have followed the relevant installation guide above and have all the tools required to get started.

Hello Xamarin! Application

Now that we have created a base ViewModel, we can start adding the actual ViewModels that will serve as the data context for each of our Pages. We will start by creating a ViewModel for MainPage. On the solution, open Resources → layout → Main.axml file. Switch from Design View and go to the Source file and type the following lines of code to build your app. If you liked this tutorial, read our book, Mastering Xamaring.Forms, to create an architecture rich mobile application with good design patterns and best practices using Xamarin.Forms. To summarize, we updated the app that we had created in this article; Create a basic travel app using Xamarin.Forms.

The Master branch is the most basic, then there are additional branches to allow you to see how the app architecture evolved. The IncrementCounterClicked method is fairly straightforward. The sender parameter is the object that called the method, allowing it to be reused by multiple components. In this case it is only called from a Button element so the sender will be Button. EventArgs allow you to pass data to the method; in this case you don’t require any, so this parameter can be ignored.

So iOS still uses Storyboards, Android uses AXML, and UWP uses XAML. The downside to this approach is that you need to be able to develop those UI’s individually; that requires not only expertise in each of those, but also time. If you are trying to prototype a cross-platform app on a low budget quickly, this can add overhead. However, because Xamarin.Native is just a thin wrapper around the native APIs, anything you can do in the native environment you can do with the Native approach. This makes it a powerful and completely viable alternative to native development, with the benefit of shared code and using the same .NET languages you love.

Xamarin – First Application

As mentioned previously, it will look identical to the non-Xamarin native apps, so you will not know how it was made, and will have the time-saving benefits of a cross-platform UI. In this post you will get an introduction to how you can create mobile apps using C# and Visual Studio, taking advantage of the awesome Xamarin mobile tooling built into Visual Studio. Select a Location to store the project on your hard drive. Ensure that the platforms you want to target are selected and Shared Code is set to “Use .NET Standard” then click Next. On the left-hand side of the New Project window, under the Multiplatform category, click App, select Blank Forms App, ensuring that the drop-down box next to it is set to C#. In the Configure your new project window, enter „Counter“ in the Project name box, select a directory in which to save the project in the Location box, and accept the proposed value in the Solution box.

Mobile Xamarin app tutorial

Unlike in a Xamarin.Native project, the layout folder doesn’t contain your UI and all your MainActivity.cs class does is call into the shared code App.xaml.cs class to find what code to execute when the application loads. Both share a common code base, either in C# or F#, which means business logic can be shared across platforms. The Main.xaml.cs class is where you will code your app, including the method called from Clicked attribute on the Button element in the layout.

Xamarin Tutorial

Depending on the platforms you are targeting, you will have up to 4 projects in your solution. You will learn more about the important files in that folder when you start writing code later in this tutorial. The main difference is that Xamarin.Forms is both shared UI and shared business logic, so not everything you can do natively is possible here—or it requires more work.

This is a nice and simple app that is ideal to use to get started. One of the projects in your solution will be called .Android. Nearly everyone these days has a mobile phone, and most of these are smartphones. Everyone downloads apps, from social media to games to fitness. Fill in the rest of the fields and click the OK button.

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Update the using statements on any class that references the Pages. Currently, this should only be in the App class in App.xaml.cs, where MainPage is instantiated. Add a new folder named Views to the root of the TripLog project. Add a new folder named ViewModels to the root of the TripLog project.

  • So iOS still uses Storyboards, Android uses AXML, and UWP uses XAML.
  • Everyone downloads apps, from social media to games to fitness.
  • In our previous tutorial, we created a basic travel app using Xamarin.Forms.
  • The individual platforms will implement some features differently, such as taking pictures and checking for cellular connectivity.
  • She can be found at @LuceCarter1 on Twitter, LuceCarter on Github and blogs on her own website.

After our textview that we created, we will add a button as shown below. In the above code, we have created a new Android textview. Next, open mobile course the folder values and double-click Strings.xml to open it. Here, we are going to store information and values about the button created above.

It is a thin wrapper around the native APIs and tooling, so anything you can do in Java/Kotlin for Android, or Objective-C/Swift for iOS, you can do in Xamarin using the C# goodness we know and love. As developers, a lot of you probably think about making an app for your phones. Whether it’s just for a laugh, or to solve an actual problem, our curious minds get us thinking. This tutorial has been developed for beginners to help them understand the basics of creating native Apps using Xamarin. If you do not have an Android Emulator, then follow the steps given in the next section to create one.

The main purpose of a ViewModel is to separate the business logic, for example, data access and data manipulation, from the user interface logic. Right now, our MainPagedirectly defines the list of data that it is displaying. This data will eventually be dynamically loaded from an API but for now, we will move this initial static data definition to its ViewModel so that it can be data bound to the user interface. Just because the Views can live in the core library with the ViewModels and Models, this doesn’t mean that separation between the user interface and the app logic isn’t important. The code from this blog post can be found ion a companion repository on Github, with branches for the different steps.

The AppDelegate.cs file initializes the Xamarin.Forms library and calls into the Counter shared project to find the application to run, including the UI. If you selected iOS as a target operating system, you will also have a .iOS project in your solution. It follows the same structure as a native iOS project written in Objective-C or Swift. In this section, we will modify our project and create a button which will display text upon click.

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